Oak Class We Are Artists

This week, Year 6 children have written a biography of Charles Darwin.  The children were really interested to find out about his life and achievements which they used to inform their writing.  In maths, the children learned to convert between non-adjacent units of measurement and enjoyed applying what they learned to problem solving tasks. The children all help each other by using talk partners and explaining their understanding using mathematical vocabulary.

Year 5 have been busy comparing, ordering and finding equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.  Our SPaG was using brackets for parenthesis and we have investigated features of a biography, along with starting to research Mary Anning, in order to write about her next week.

After a thoroughly enjoyable science week last week, Oak Class have continued with their work on becoming artists.  The children were able to select items from outside the classroom and continue to develop their skills and techniques using different grades of pencil for drawing and shading.