Oak Class We Are Scientists
This week, Year 6 children have written a non-chronological report after doing some research on Northern European animals and birds. In maths, they have learned how to draw triangles, quadrilaterals and common regular 2D shapes using given angles and measurements.
Year 5 have been improving their ability to recognise equivalent fractions. In English, they have used science vocabulary to write imaginative and informative guides to caring for a Miptor – a made up creature of their own design.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed Science Week. We used the inquiry question “Why do giraffes have long necks?” to start us thinking about evolution and inheritance. The children have identified how inherited and environmental features influence living things and looked at the work achieved by Charles Darwin.
In PE this week, Oak Class had a session learning skills from the game handball. This is a relatively new sport being played across the county. The children all really enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to the next session.