Willow Class - Superhero HQ!


This week Willow Class have enjoyed creating their superhero headquarters! They have been dressing up as superheroes and acting out the story of Nat Fantastic. Some of the children have even been writing labels with their superhero name on! In English, the children have drawn their own superhero and then used their phonics knowledge to help them write words to describe them. The children have been working on using finger spaces between words and practising their letter formation. On Monday, the children had the opportunity to wash, dress and read a bedtime story to our baby dolls. It was lovely to see the children being so kind and caring as they put the babies to bed. 
In Maths, the children have continued to learn about number bonds to 10. They have used Numicon to play ‘Go Fish’ where they had to find 2 Numicon shapes that added up to 10. They also played beanbag games where they threw beanbags into a bucket and counted their score. They recorded their scores on clipboards to see who was the winner! 
The children have also been exploring 3D shape, experimenting with rolling different objects down ramps.They have really enjoyed using our new drag race ramp to investigate how different shapes move. The learning continued in our Forest School session where the children were given clay to create different shapes. A whole range of different objects were created including an impressive solar system!